Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Well, it has now been 2 wks and I've already forgotten I even had this site (I'm gonna be great at this huh?)LOL! Last weekend, we went to Pleasant Grove. We stayed with Rachel and Duke and cute little Carson. While there I had an interview for Virginia College's diagnostic medical ultrasound program. I feel like the interview went very well. We were really struggling to figure out how to pay for a program that is almost triple what I would pay for here, but God is really opening some doors. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks, Brad will have a job making almost double what he makes now! Thank the Lord for answering prayers! We will be moving to Birmingham area shortly after Christmas as long as I am accepted into the program. We attended Pleasant Grove Church Sunday morning and had a wonderful service. God settled down and refreshed our souls. We are so thankful! Stephen was finally able to get a job and they bought a little house. They are very excited. Tropical Storm Fay, thankfully was not too bad here. We had coastal flooding and that's about it. Pray for us as Hurricane Gustav heads into the Gulf. We are in the projected path cone right now, though it looks like it will hit around New Orleans or Mississippi. But we all know that can change when hits the gulf. We will see. Well, that is all till next time!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

New to This

Well, this is the first time that I have ever done a blog or anything like this! I am not the most diligent person about getting on and wirting stuff or posting pics. But I will try for the sake of my friends. Brad and I are doing great. I am taking a break from full time school for one semester and am working full time at a hospital here as a unit secretary. I work 3-12 hr. nightshifts a week. I work on postpartum so I am around babies all the time. Brad works for a shipyard here. They work hard and long hours. So, needless to say, we don't see each other a whole lot. But we make do. We are probably fixing to make a move from Mobile, AL to Birmingham, AL in December, Lord willing. I have applied for an ultrasound program there and go to my school interview this week. I am excited to see what is in store for us. We have no kids, just 4 spoiled rotten cats. And momma cat is pregnant again I think(oh joy!!). For those of you who know him, my little brother Stephen got married in a beautiful little ceremony on July 19 (that I had to direct-ugh!!). Him and LeAnne are living in Port St. Lucie, FL. Well, will close for now. Will try to post some pics soon and keep up with written posts as well!