Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just a Quick Update

Some exciting but yet really scary news happened Friday!! I got my official acceptance letter into the ultrasound program at Virginia College in Birmingham! All of the sudden I feel overwhelmed. I have barely over a month until I move and I havent even started packing yet. I will be out of town next week and that takes a week off of precious packing time. The scary part is that this is such a big step and a lot of money put out. I don't want to let myself or Brad down. Another thing that has me really I guess saddened right now is that Brad is not going to be able to move with me for a while. He has a wonderful job that God has blessed him with. We have to be able to keep his paycheck for a while to get the bills paid off and meet the school payments. So for now it will be weekend commutes between Birmingham and Mobile for one of us. Every time I think about it, I want to cry. But I know that God will help us and give us strength through this tough time. Hopefully within a year our bills will be paid and he will be able to move. Help us to pray to that end!! God bless all, See you after Thanksgiving!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Really will do better one day!!

Hello to all! I know it has been a while, but it has been VERY busy down here in L.A. (Lower Alabama). I have finally finished all of my interviews for school and should know a final decision this week!! Really help me pray for that. For a few weeks before the election, Brad was really worried about his job. As much as we liked McCain, he said something about putting an end to the LCS program. These are ships his company builds for the Navy. Thankfully, they have opened bids back up on these boats, but in the meantime the company won a huge contract with the Navy for another kind of boat which could mean a pretty good raise! The Lord does answer our prayers. This past weekend, I turned 24 without my loving husband around. He was off to Macon, MO to hunt deer with his dad. I guess it wasn't SO bad though. He dropped me off in Cape Girardeau to spend a nice weekend with Brad, Gillian and JuJu. We had a great time relaxing and of course going to a couple of thrift stores. By the way, thanks to Gillian for adding all my little tools to this blog. Also, thanks for making it look cute. Also, thanks for the hospitality and the birthday cake. My husband was able to kill an 8 point buck, so I now, thankfully, have meat overflowing into my Mom's deep freeze. Well, I must go to bed. I will be back on soon. Probably after Thanksgiving, with pictures from Grandma and Grandad Whaley's 50th anniversary.