Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just a Quick Update

Some exciting but yet really scary news happened Friday!! I got my official acceptance letter into the ultrasound program at Virginia College in Birmingham! All of the sudden I feel overwhelmed. I have barely over a month until I move and I havent even started packing yet. I will be out of town next week and that takes a week off of precious packing time. The scary part is that this is such a big step and a lot of money put out. I don't want to let myself or Brad down. Another thing that has me really I guess saddened right now is that Brad is not going to be able to move with me for a while. He has a wonderful job that God has blessed him with. We have to be able to keep his paycheck for a while to get the bills paid off and meet the school payments. So for now it will be weekend commutes between Birmingham and Mobile for one of us. Every time I think about it, I want to cry. But I know that God will help us and give us strength through this tough time. Hopefully within a year our bills will be paid and he will be able to move. Help us to pray to that end!! God bless all, See you after Thanksgiving!!!